Before the contents restoration industry came to exist, one small accident or natural disaster could wipe away everything that you worked so hard to achieve. For instance, if a devastating flood, house fire, mold outbreak or buildup of smoke caused a significant amount of damage to your property in the 1960’s, most of your prized possessions would probably be lost forever. Your belongings would likely be deemed unrecoverable, and crews of workers would simply haul away your most cherished artwork, leather goods, statues, clothing and precious memories.

This used to happen because insurance companies couldn’t afford to pay the costs of replacing many thousands of dollars worth of damaged goods every time a disaster struck. And, those who were covered by insurance companies couldn’t afford to have those costs passed down to them in the form of a premium hike, either.

Thankfully, the contents restoration industry came to life because of this drastic need for a more efficient, cost-effective and rewarding solution when disasters happen. Instead of simply using baking soda to clean and deodorize items such as in the past, our industry now offers an abundance of resources, organized systems and processes that save families from financial catastrophes and emotional distress.

The public can now feel confident in knowing that most items damaged during an emergency can be repaired and restored to a point of acceptability or even beauty. Not every item can be salvaged, but success rates are high, and this means that the contents restoration industry has evolved to a point in which everyone can still ‘win’ during an emergency situation.

The Contents Restoration Industry Benefits Each Party Involved

The Insured (Homeowners) – Those who are insured are able to “revive” the majority of their damaged furniture, rugs, tapestries, electronics, and all other goods that would have cost them considerably more to have replaced. This also happens fairly quickly (days or weeks, rather than months) which provides families with peace of mind during extremely stressful times.

Insurance Companies – Insurance adjusters will work with home or business owners to determine when it is more cost-effective to restore an item rather than have it replaced. This saves insurance companies significant amounts of money, and allows them to continue insuring homeowners in the case of emergencies.

Contents Restoration Companies – Acting as a mediator between insurance companies and the insured allows contents restoration companies to operate in a way that rebuilds families’ lives, while also servicing insurers. We are able to save homeowners and insurance companies money, while supporting the contents restoration industry’s growth and efficacy.

The Contents Restoration Industry Provides a Quick Process That Solves People’s Problems

While the contents restoration industry is constantly evolving, and the technologies involved are advanced, the process that we use is dead-simple…

Step 1. Work on-site or Off

Contents restoration companies are often able to jump into action after inspecting an emergency scene or a pre-scheduled job. Many items can be restored on-site, but if items need to be transported due to hazardous conditions, then a complete pack out of contents is normally in order. This involves the removal, transportation and safekeeping of the homeowner’s goods prior to repair.

Step 2. Repair and Restore damaged items

With access to modern contents restoration practices such as deodorization, specialized cleaning and in some cases, advanced art work repair, there are an abundance of options for getting homeowners’ items back in near-perfect working order.

Step 3. Put it all back in place

The final step of the contents restoration process is the point in which homeowners often feel happiest. This is because it’s common for contents restoration crews to position homeowners’ items exactly as they were before the emergency hit. Every picture frame, piece of furniture and tapestry goes right back in its place.

While contents restoration companies can’t stop accidents from happening, good one’s often make homeowners feel like nothing really ever changed.

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